TFI Torino Film Industry: Numbers and Success of the 6th Edition

Welcome to TFI Torino Film Industry, where the world of independent co-production comes alive. In its 6th edition, this event has seen remarkable growth and success, attracting over 1,000 accredited participants. Join us as we delve into the numbers and results of this dynamic market and workshop, showcasing new talents and trends in the audiovisual industry.

Impressive Growth of TFI Torino Film Industry

Discover the remarkable growth of TFI Torino Film Industry, solidifying its position as a leading market and workshop for international co-production.

TFI Torino Film Industry: Numbers and Success of the 6th Edition - -652520488

TFI Torino Film Industry has experienced impressive growth, attracting over 1,000 accredited participants in its 6th edition. This highlights the market's increasing significance as a hub for international co-production. The event's popularity and success demonstrate its ability to connect industry professionals and showcase new talents.

With 7 days of intense programming, including pitching sessions, panels, workshops, and VR experiences, TFI offers a comprehensive platform for networking and learning. The numbers speak for themselves, as TFI continues to grow year after year, solidifying its position as a key player in the audiovisual industry.

Diverse Programming and Activities

Explore the wide range of programming and activities offered by TFI Torino Film Industry, including pitching sessions, workshops, panels, and VR experiences.

TFI Torino Film Industry provides a diverse range of programming and activities to cater to the needs and interests of its participants. With 7 pitching sessions featuring 46 projects in development, attendees have the opportunity to discover exciting new projects and potential collaborations.

In addition to the pitching sessions, TFI offers 25 panels and 16 workshops, covering various topics and trends in the audiovisual industry. These sessions provide valuable insights and knowledge sharing for industry professionals and emerging talents.

Furthermore, TFI embraces the immersive world of virtual reality with 13 VR experiences, allowing participants to explore cutting-edge technologies and storytelling techniques. This integration of VR showcases TFI's commitment to staying at the forefront of industry advancements.

The Business Soul of Torino Film Festival

Discover how the coproduction meeting at TFI Torino Film Industry serves as the work and business soul of the renowned Torino Film Festival.

The coproduction meeting at TFI Torino Film Industry plays a vital role in connecting the Turin film industry and fostering collaboration among industry professionals. It serves as the work and business soul of the prestigious Torino Film Festival, showcasing the potential of the local audiovisual sector.

Through 420 one-to-one meetings between producers and decision makers, the coproduction meeting creates a platform for networking and deal-making. This event highlights the importance of collaboration and the power of bringing together industry players from around the world.

Collaboration between Industry Partners

Explore the collaborative efforts between the partners of TFI Torino Film Industry, which aim to support and enrich the international audiovisual industry.

TFI Torino Film Industry is the result of a collaborative effort between Film Commission Torino Piemonte, TorinoFilmLab, and Talents & Short Film Market. These partners work together to support the entire international audiovisual industry and create a vibrant marketplace for co-production.

The collaboration between the partners has resulted in a rich calendar of events, including the TFL ITALIA program, IDS Italian Doc Screenings, Lovers Goes Industry, and onLive Campus. These events cater to the diverse needs and interests of industry professionals, offering a comprehensive platform for networking, learning, and discovering new talents.

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