Gaming in India has evolved from a mere hobby to a lucrative career path, with over 45% of serious gamers earning above Rs 6 lakh per annum. The 2023 HP India Gaming Landscape Study reveals that more than 50% of Indian gamers view gaming as a potential career, showcasing a consistent rise in player earnings compared to the previous year. This article delves into the study's findings, highlighting the inclusive nature of gaming, the shift in parents' attitudes, and the growing opportunities for gamers to earn money and recognition. Let's explore the exciting world of gaming in India!
The Changing Perception of Gaming
A positive shift in parents' attitudes towards gaming
Gaming is no longer seen as just a hobby; it has become a potential career path in India. The 2023 HP India Gaming Landscape Study reveals that 40% of parents surveyed have experienced a positive change in their perception of gaming in recent years. This shift can be attributed to the growth of the gaming industry and the increasing opportunities it offers.
However, concerns about the stability of a gaming career and potential social isolation still linger among parents. Many parents lack adequate information about the prospects of gaming in India, with around 50% relying on friends and family for information. It is crucial to educate parents about the diverse career opportunities and the inclusive nature of gaming.
The Rise of Serious Gamers
Increasing number of serious gamers in India
The gaming community in India is experiencing significant growth, with more than 75% of Gen-Z and 67% of millennials actively engaging in gaming. Surprisingly, 58% of women respondents are identified as serious gamers, highlighting the inclusive nature of the gaming industry.
One in three gamers participates in gaming for monetary gains or recognition. The study shows that serious gamers are now earning higher incomes compared to the previous year, with nearly half of them claiming to earn between Rs 6 to Rs 12 lakh per annum in 2023.
Gaming as a Lucrative Career
The expanding opportunities for gamers
Gaming is no longer limited to just fun and relaxation; it has become a means for serious gamers to earn money and recognition. The Indian gaming community is capitalizing on the expanding esports industry, finding diverse career opportunities and increased earnings.
With the rise of esports, Indian youth have the potential to not only excel in the global esports arena but also tap into entrepreneurial opportunities within the industry. Initiatives like HP Gaming Garage are helping to empower and inspire budding gamers to pursue their passion and turn it into a successful career.
The Preferred Gaming Platform
PCs vs. Mobile Phones: The battle for supremacy
When it comes to gaming devices, PCs have emerged as the preferred choice among gamers in India. The study reveals that 67% of gamers favor PCs over mobile phones for gaming. This preference can be attributed to better FPS (frames per second) and display quality provided by PCs.
Gamers are willing to invest over Rs 1 lakh on average for a gaming PC, highlighting their commitment to the gaming experience. However, mobile gaming still holds its ground, especially among casual gamers and those who prefer gaming on the go.
Parental Concerns and Lack of Information
Addressing concerns and providing accurate information
While there has been a positive shift in parents' attitudes towards gaming, concerns about the stability of a gaming career and potential social isolation persist. Many parents have inadequate information about the gaming prospects in India, relying on friends and family for information.
It is crucial to address these concerns and provide parents with accurate information about the growing opportunities in the gaming industry. Educating parents about the potential career paths, the inclusive nature of gaming, and the steps taken to ensure a balanced lifestyle can help alleviate their concerns.