The Intriguing Challenge of Worlds Pick'Ems: Will There Be a Perfect Crystal Ball Prediction?

The 2023 League of Legends World Championship is just around the corner, and with it comes the highly anticipated return of Worlds Pick'Ems. This mini-game allows fans to test their knowledge and luck by predicting outcomes for the event. However, there is one question that could make achieving a perfect Crystal Ball prediction impossible. Let's explore this intriguing challenge and its potential impact on the Pick'Ems experience.

The Excitement of Worlds Pick'Ems

Experience the thrill of predicting outcomes

Worlds Pick'Ems is a mini-game that adds an extra layer of excitement to the League of Legends World Championship. Fans from around the world get to test their knowledge and luck by predicting the outcomes of the event. It's a chance to showcase your expertise and see how well you can predict the performance of your favorite teams and players.

With the return of Worlds Pick'Ems for the 2023 Championship, the anticipation is at an all-time high. The competition is fierce, and everyone is eager to prove their skills. Will you be able to make accurate predictions and come out on top?

The Missing Option: No Pentakills

The challenge of predicting a rare occurrence

One of the predictions in Worlds Pick'Ems asks fans to guess which pro player will achieve at least one pentakill during the tournament. However, there is a missing option that could potentially disrupt a perfect Crystal Ball prediction: the possibility of no pentakills being earned.

Unlike other predictions where players have all attending pros as options, this particular question forces participants to choose a player from the competing teams. This means that if no pentakills occur throughout the tournament, it would be impossible to achieve a perfect Crystal Ball score.

While the chances of no pentakills are relatively low, with only three World Championships having no pentakills in the past, it still adds an element of uncertainty to the Pick'Ems challenge. Will this missing option affect your prediction strategy?

The Stakes of a Perfect Crystal Ball

The ultimate reward for accurate predictions

A perfect Crystal Ball prediction in Worlds Pick'Ems comes with a significant reward: all of the ultimate-tier skins gifted to your League of Legends account. This is a highly coveted prize for any dedicated player and a testament to their prediction skills.

While achieving a perfect score is no easy feat, it is possible with careful analysis and a bit of luck. However, the missing option of no pentakills adds an additional challenge to this pursuit. Will you be able to navigate this obstacle and secure the ultimate reward?

The History of Pentakills at Worlds

A look back at the rare occurrences

Pentakills, the feat of a single player eliminating all five members of the opposing team, are rare and highly memorable moments in League of Legends. They showcase the exceptional skill and dominance of a player in a high-stakes match.

Throughout the history of the World Championship, there have been only three instances where no pentakills were achieved: 2012, 2013, and 2016. In all other years, at least one player managed to secure this impressive achievement.

Considering this historical data, it's likely that we will witness pentakills during the 2023 World Championship. However, the missing option in Worlds Pick'Ems raises the question: will there be a perfect Crystal Ball prediction this year?

The Uncertain Outcome

The challenge of predicting the unpredictable

With the missing option of no pentakills, predicting the outcome becomes even more uncertain. It adds a level of unpredictability to the Pick'Ems challenge, as participants must consider the possibility of no pentakills while making their predictions.

Will you take a risk and choose a player in the hopes of securing a pentakill prediction, or will you play it safe and select a player from a team less likely to achieve this feat? The decision is yours, and it could make all the difference in achieving a perfect Crystal Ball score.

As the 2023 World Championship approaches, the excitement and uncertainty surrounding Worlds Pick'Ems continue to grow. It's a test of knowledge, luck, and the ability to predict the unpredictable. Will you rise to the challenge and make accurate predictions, or will the missing option throw a wrench in your Crystal Ball?


Worlds Pick'Ems adds an exciting and challenging element to the League of Legends World Championship. However, the missing option of no pentakills in the prediction pool raises the stakes for achieving a perfect Crystal Ball score. Will you be able to navigate this obstacle and make accurate predictions?


Can I still participate in Worlds Pick'Ems if I don't predict a pentakill?

Yes, you can still participate in Worlds Pick'Ems even if you don't predict a pentakill. The missing option of no pentakills simply adds an additional challenge for those aiming for a perfect Crystal Ball score.

What happens if no pentakills occur during the World Championship?

If no pentakills occur during the World Championship, it would be impossible to achieve a perfect Crystal Ball score. However, there are other predictions and rewards to enjoy throughout the Pick'Ems experience.

Are pentakills common at the World Championship?

Pentakills are rare occurrences at the World Championship, with only three instances where no pentakills were achieved. While it's likely that we will witness pentakills during the 2023 Championship, the missing option in Worlds Pick'Ems adds an element of uncertainty.

What is the reward for a perfect Crystal Ball prediction?

A perfect Crystal Ball prediction in Worlds Pick'Ems comes with the reward of all the ultimate-tier skins gifted to your League of Legends account. It's a highly coveted prize for dedicated players and a testament to their prediction skills.

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