OVI Esports — Week 11 Digest

Last week at OVI was filled with thrilling accomplishments, and this article will provide a comprehensive breakdown of our achievements and future plans. Join us as we delve into our recent successes, partnerships, and our unwavering commitment to leading the way in the world of blockchain gaming and esports services.

OVI's Achievements in the Past Week

Explore the exciting accomplishments of OVI in the past week and how they are shaping the future of blockchain gaming and esports.

Last week, OVI had a series of remarkable achievements that solidify its position as a leading player in the blockchain gaming industry. From the successful launch of GMGames.gg to the addition of new team members and partnerships, OVI has been making waves.

One notable achievement was the release of the OVI Digest, a concise and transparent update for the community. This regular Monday release keeps everyone informed and up-to-date with the latest news and developments.

The OVI Roundtable, held on Monday evenings, has become a vibrant gathering of minds where ideas flow and community engagement thrives. It has proven to be an invaluable platform for collaboration and interaction.

Additionally, the recent addition of Jana as the Community Lead showcases OVI's commitment to expanding its reach in Latin America. With her extensive network and influence in the web three space, Jana brings fresh perspectives and strategies to the table.

Joining the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) was a major milestone for OVI. This collaboration not only opens doors to global opportunities but also positions OVI as a major player in the esports gaming industry. The BGA provides a platform to accelerate blockchain adoption in gaming and esports, giving OVI the exposure and connections needed to scale up.

Finally, the rapid launch of GMGames.gg in just two weeks is a testament to OVI's commitment to expanding its ecosystem. This polished product has received phenomenal feedback and showcases the talent and drive of the OVI team.

Ongoing Development and Design Work

Discover how OVI continues to invest in platform development and design, ensuring an immersive and user-friendly experience for its community.

OVI's dedication to platform development and design is evident in its ongoing efforts to provide an immersive and user-friendly experience. The team is continuously working to enhance existing and upcoming products.

With a focus on creating a seamless and intuitive platform, OVI is investing in the development of innovative features and functionalities. These include programmable wallet systems and cutting-edge technology that will elevate the gaming experience for users.

Furthermore, OVI is committed to incorporating user feedback and suggestions into its design process. By listening to the community and understanding their needs, OVI aims to create a platform that truly caters to the gaming and esports community.

The design work at OVI goes beyond aesthetics. It encompasses creating visually appealing interfaces that enhance usability and navigation. OVI's design team is dedicated to delivering a visually stunning and cohesive experience that immerses users in the world of blockchain gaming.

The OVIsaurs Series: A Glimpse Behind the Scenes

Dive into the captivating OVIsaurs series and gain insider access to the ideation and development process of OVI's NFT collection.

The OVIsaurs series offers a fascinating look inside the world of OVI, providing a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the creation of their NFT collection. These captivating videos showcase the dedication, stories, and philosophies behind each NFT design.

Through the OVIsaurs series, the OVI community gains insider access to the ideation and development process. These raw glimpses behind the curtain highlight the creativity and attention to detail that goes into each NFT design.

With each installment of the OVIsaurs series, OVI shares the progress of their NFT collection, creating anticipation and excitement among collectors and enthusiasts. It's a unique opportunity to witness the journey and lore behind OVI's NFTs.

As OVI continues to expand its NFT offerings, the OVIsaurs series serves as a captivating medium to showcase their commitment to innovation and creativity in the blockchain gaming space.

The Future of OVI: Partnerships and Expansion

Discover the exciting partnerships and future plans of OVI as they strive to establish themselves as a dominant service provider in the esports industry.

OVI's focus on team growth, partnerships, and product launches is a testament to their commitment to lead in the blockchain gaming industry. With an unwavering dedication to their go-to-market strategy, OVI is poised for an exciting future.

The recent collaboration with the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) has opened doors to global opportunities for OVI. Through this partnership, OVI gains exposure to industry leaders and the chance to showcase their services in panel discussions and networking events.

As OVI continues to build relationships and explore partnerships, they remain committed to expanding their horizons. The addition of talented individuals, like Jana, and the upcoming team expansion announcement, signifies OVI's determination to deliver an ecosystem that caters to gamers worldwide.

With ongoing development work, exciting content releases, and a focus on user feedback, OVI is well-positioned to establish itself as a leader in the esports industry. The future holds immense potential for OVI as they continue to push boundaries and provide innovative services to their community.


OVI's achievements in the past week have showcased their dedication to leading the way in the blockchain gaming industry. From the rapid launch of GMGames.gg to the addition of new team members and partnerships, OVI continues to make waves and solidify their position in the esports space.

With ongoing platform development and design work, OVI is committed to providing an immersive and user-friendly experience for their community. Their focus on user feedback and incorporating innovative features sets them apart in the industry.

The OVIsaurs series provides a unique behind-the-scenes look into the creation of OVI's NFT collection, showcasing their commitment to creativity and attention to detail. This series offers a captivating glimpse into the journey and lore behind OVI's NFTs.

Looking towards the future, OVI's partnerships and expansion plans demonstrate their ambition to establish themselves as a dominant service provider in the esports industry. With an unwavering commitment to their go-to-market strategy, OVI is poised for exciting growth and success.


What is the Blockchain Game Alliance?

The Blockchain Game Alliance is an organization with over 500 members globally consisting of game developers, gamers, industry leaders, and gaming infrastructure partners. They provide a platform to accelerate blockchain adoption in gaming and esports.

What is the significance of OVI joining the Blockchain Game Alliance?

OVI joining the Blockchain Game Alliance is a major milestone as it opens doors to global opportunities and positions OVI as a major player in the esports gaming industry. It provides exposure and connections, allowing OVI to showcase their services and network with industry leaders.

What can we expect from OVI in the future?

In the future, OVI plans to continue expanding their ecosystem through team growth, partnerships, and product launches. They remain committed to their go-to-market strategy and providing innovative services to the gaming community.

How does the OVIsaurs series benefit the OVI community?

The OVIsaurs series offers the OVI community insider access to the ideation and development process of OVI's NFT collection. It allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the creativity and dedication behind each NFT design.

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